Big thumbs up for Batman actor Christian Bale! He's in Denver Colorado right now visiting with victims of the Aurora shooting. This picture is of him with Swedish Medical Center staff at the Aurora Medical Center.
Batman Actor Christian BaleVisits Survivors of the Dark Knight Theater Massacre at Aurora Medical Hospital
Batman Visits Survivors of the Dark Knight Theater Massacre at Aurora Medical Hospital
Get a Copy of The Batman Mixtape at all Independent record stores or at
VA Hornets 1st Annual Pink Ride For The Cure and Benefit Football Game
This the new flyer design I just created for the 1st Annual Pink Ride For The Cure Cancer Awareness Event and Football Game. I actually grabbed a picture I had of Me on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle at one of my own benefit events. I changed the hair color of the girl from Red to pink and my own shirt from blue to pink as well as the black and white photo of the team to go with the Pink Ride Theme.
VA Hornet's First Annual Pink Ride. Saturday August 18th
The Ride will start at Richmond City Stadium
PINK ride Registration Starts at 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Ride Starts promptly at 5:15pm
Cost $20.00 per Rider, $25.00 for (2) Riders on one bike
Refreshments will be served for all Riders
Music will be provided by Bloodline Music Group & DJ Spice
Tail Gate Party Starts at 5:30pm
Game Kicks Off at 7:00pm
Tickets $10.00 General Admission, $5.00 Youth 12 and under
For Season Tickets and Group Sales Call 804.476.0040
Home Games Are Saturdays (7pm) @ Richmond City Stadium
Starts inside the Stadium at (5:30pm)
No coolers, containers , food or beverages allowed in the stadium
Music will be provided by Bloodline Music Group & DJ Spice
Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society to research and destroy cancer and give hope to survivors of Cancer and those going through the struggle.
Flyer design for Janta Connection Presents: Simply Mumbai SF Bollywood Party and Sheliyah's Birthday Bash at Apartment 24 Ultra Lounge / Nightclub. 440 Broadway St., San Francisco California. For info visit or email SimplyMumbaiSF[at]
For amazing flyer designs and graphics visit or call or email us to get your design started today at 303-995-0875 or email design[at]
DJ Emir Now Donating a Portion of all Batman Mixtape Sales & Doing a few events to benefit the victims of the Aurora Dark Knight Rises Tragedy and The Victims of The Colorado Springs Fire.
Premier of Batman Dark Knight Rises Turns Deadly in Aurora Colorado
Twelve people were killed and at least 50 others were wounded early Friday when a gunman wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire during a midnight premier screening of the latest Batman movie near Denver, authorities and witnesses said.
Police and FBI are looking for motivation behind the attacks. There may have been nothing but hatred towards life. Similar to the previous Batman movie "The Dark Knight" involving Heath Ledger as the Joker where Bruce Wayne asks Alfred "Why does the Joker do what he does?".. and Michael Kain as Alfred responds "some men just want nothing more than to just to watch the world burn"
The apartment of the suspect in custody, named as James Holmes, 24, who had been a student at the University of Colorado Medical School, had been booby-trapped with what police described as sophisticated explosives or flammable material, and officers were trying to determine how to defuse the device or devices, Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said. The area had been evacuated, and police were expected to remain on the scene "for hours or days," he said.
Police said there was no evidence of additional suspects.
"We're pretty confident he acted alone," Officer Frank Fania told TODAY.
The victims of the cinema shooting, included a 6-year-old child, were being treated in at least six hospitals. A 4-month-old baby also was treated and released. The oldest reported patient is 45.
Authorities said the gunman had appeared at the front of the theater during the film and released a canister of tear gas. Witnesses told reporters that the gunfire erupted during a shootout scene in "The Dark Knight Rises."
"It was mass chaos," witness Jennifer Seeger told TODAY. The gunman shot the ceiling and then "he threw in the gas can, and then I knew it was real."
"I told my friend, 'We've got to get out of here,' but then he shot people trying to go out the exits," Seeger said. She said the shooter made his way up the aisle, shooting as he went, saying nothing.
Oates initially told journalists that 14 people had been killed, but the figure was later revised to 12.
The shooting occurred in the Century 16 Movie Theaters at Aurora Town Center. Aurora is a suburb less than 10 miles east of downtown Denver.
As many as 12 people were killed and 50 injured at a shooting at the Century 16 movie theatre in Aurora, Colo. early Friday during the showing of the latest Batman movie.
The suspect was found in possession of a gas mask, Oates said. Ammunition was found in the suspect's car, police said.
Officials told NBC News that the gunman had three weapons — an assault-type rifle and two handguns. Initial reports that Holmes' car had Tennessee plates turned out to be wrong.
An FBI official told NBC News that the agency was working with local authorities on the investigation, but that there was no early indication of a link to terrorism. Holmes wasn't on any federal law enforcement watch lists, authorities told NBC News.
President Barack Obama cut short a campaign visit to Florida to return to Washington ahead of schedule.
He called for reflection after the attack. "There are going to be other days for politics," Obama said during an abbreviated appearance in Fort Myers, where he led a moment of silence on behalf of the victims and their families.
"Get us some damn gas masks for theater 9. We can't get in it," one officer radioed back to emergency dispatch during the operation, according to an excerpt aired on KUSA.
'Get us some damn gas masks'Police raiding the theater in the hunt for the suspect had to ask for gas masks.
Moviegoers described scenes of chaos and terror inside the movie theater.
Seeger told TODAY there were "a lot of children" in the theater.
"When I ... tried to escape, there was a little girl, 12 or 13, just laying lifeless on the stairs," she said.
"I got terrified. I didn't know what to do, like a deer in the headlights. I jumped into the aisle and curled up into a little ball waiting for him to go away," she told TODAY.
"I have never been more scared then the moments where we were all trapped in the theater, helpless. Unable to get out at all," another moviegoer, Rachel Fedeli, posted on Twitter.
Tanner Coon, who was in the theater with a friend and the friend's 12-year-old brother when the shooter came in, said he told them to "get down" when he heard the gunshots. The shooter fired off about 20 rounds and there was then a pause and a "period of quietness when everybody started running out," Coon said.
"I slipped on some blood and landed on a lady. I shook her and said. 'We need to go.' There was no response, so I presume she was dead," Coon said.
Another eyewitness, Alex Milano, told KUSA that he "saw at least four, maybe five people limping, slightly wounded. ... I saw one girl covered in blood.
"I don't know whose little girl that was, but my heart goes out to them. ... A cop came walking through the front door ... holding a little girl in his arms, and she wasn't moving, she wasn't moving," the young man, whose voiced cracked as he spoke, told KUSA.
'I thought it was pretty much the end of the world'Roland Jones, 28, said he first thought the smoke and sounds of gunshots were all part of the film's special effects.
At least three people had been treated for chemical exposure, KUSA reported.
Hundreds of witnesses who weren't injured have been taken to Gateway High School for a debriefing, local media reported.
Friday's incident was the worst mass shooting in the U.S. since the 2007 shooting on the Virginia Tech campus, in which 33 people died, including the gunman.
It was the deadliest mass shooting in Colorado since the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999. Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at the school in the Denver suburb of Littleton, about 15 miles west of Aurora, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 other people before killing themselves in the school's library.
"The Dark Knight Rises," starring Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway, is the latest in the popular Batman action movie franchise. Theaters around the world began showing it at 12:01 a.m. Friday.
"Warner Bros. and the filmmakers are deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident. We extend our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time," the studio said in a statement.
David Wyllie, Daniel Strieff, Ian Johnston, F. Brinley Bruton of NBC News; NBC station KUSA of Denver; The Associated Press; and Reuters contributed to this report.
Saturday August 25th 2012, Jammin 101.5 FM & Yardout entertainment Present: Jon B Featuring Barbra Rose & Dre Lane at The Roxy Theater 2549 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado
Never let the Haters get to you no matter what they say! Just remember that Haters are part of a complex system that help make people even more famous. It doesn't matter whether the hate is warranted or not, whether the person being hated on actually has skill or not. The more people talk about them, be it positive or negative, the more popular they are bound to become. It's also important to note that in order for a comment to affect someone, or rather "hurt their feelings" they have to first respect the opinion of the person that made the comment in the first place. It also helps if the person making statements can actually form coherent sentences and use some semi decent grammar and punctuation, otherwise anything they try and post on the internet can be easily dismissed as uneducated dribble.
I'm OK with my own personal set of Haters! Most of them actually help me, First by trying to state things that aren't true as facts on forums, blogs, Tweets and Facebook posts and Second for sending people in my direction as they try and verify my Haters' so called facts and insinuations. Haters make people famous by putting so much emphasis on the object of their hatred that people are naturally drawn to find out more.
For instance, now that Paris Hilton has decided to ADD DJ to her resumé a billion DJs have immediately started posting sentiments of hatred towards her lack of skills. Lets face it she is not currently a REAL DJ. Still she is more than likely to get paid tons more money than most skilled DJs simply because of her already pre-existing fame and the crowd draw that comes with it, plus the curiosity draw of you guessed it HATERS! The same can be said for Pauly D, though one can argue that at least he has some form of actual skill, even if it still needs a ton of development. It is possible that Pars Hilton and DJ Pauly D can both eventually become good DJs so long as they both take the time to practice. Pauly D having locked down a residency at the Palms Hotel and Casino will be able to gradually increase his skill and ability by the default action of consistently playing gigs which basically means he will be practicing more and more while in front of a crowd. He also seems to have a drive to improve so I expect him to do so faster than Paris. The same goes for DJ Baby Chino, he's getting booked and paid more than DJs that have tons more skills than he does simply because of the gimmick / draw factor of his young age, still the more haters hate, the more famous these people get. Truth be told Baby Chino will continue to improve , Pauly D will continue to improve and already having the fame, so long as their skills increase fast enough to offset their deteriorating fame, they should be able to continue making a living off of their later found skill. It's like a martial artist when young they concentrate on speed, quick reflexes and strength to beat their opponents, later in life they better have developed skill, cunning and deception or they will soon falter to a younger, faster, stronger opponent.
Haters you can keep hating and talk about some old post or something dumb I may have or not have said, some mix I may have messed up in 1992 when I was first starting out as a DJ or some other DJ Emir that you think is me. But when you send people my way, I am going to make sure they form their own positive opinion of me and do what I do best... create new fans from your hatred and my skill. So to all my HATERS... THANK YOU... for making me famous! - DJ Emir Santana
In a tough economy everyone is looking for the best deal possible. The problem is, most people only look at price as the deciding factor only to regret that decision later. Even in tough economic times it is overall value that is the most important factor. This is especially true when finding entertainment for your venue, wedding or event. The value provided for the price you pay is the most important thing to look at when shopping for a good DJ or entertainer.
The question you ask yourself should not be "Who is the cheapest DJ I can find?" it should be "Who is the best DJ I can afford, that will make my party a huge success and give me the most bang for my dollar?" This is especially true if the event is an annually reoccurring event like a company picnic, Christmas party, End of year party or corporate party where you want to increase attendance every year. It is also very important for Milestone parties like weddings, Quinceneras, School Proms, Sweet Sixteens Graduation parties and Family Reunions where you would want to create great memories that will last a lifetime.
It's important to understand that the DJ isn't just "the guy playing music at your event" The DJ is responsible for the overall energy, vibe and mood of your event. A Good DJ will keep your guests happy and excited throughout the event. At private events many times the DJ company you hire is also responsible for the audio and lighting for your event. Sound quality and overall lighting then also become important factors in the look, energy and sound of your event.
A quality sound system and lighting system costs more so the DJ / Sound and Lighting company would most likely charge you a little more for this higher quality sound and lighting. The same thing goes for the experience level, and expertise of the DJ, the better the DJ the more they may charge. At some point, to stay competitive with other DJ companies, the DJ will level off the price even though their experience professionalism and expertise would naturally have them costing much more. This is where you get the best value for your money, when you get a DJ, Sound & Lighting company that is worth much more than they are charging for their services.
At we provide great value for all our costumers. With great sound, various lighting options including uplighting and wash lighting packages and amazing DJs for your events we provide a great experience at an affordable price. We can do just about anything you want, wash the walls with any color light you choose, uplight certain areas of your event space add your initials or logo to a lighting gobo etc...
Give us a call at 303-995-0875 or email: design[at] to schedule a free consultation or to schedule your event. Signed contract and half down deposit required to finalize all event bookings.
Skin & Swagg Teen Party Saturday July 14th at Bamboo Lounge Florida
5940 Merrill Road, Jacksonville FL. 32211
Huge Teen Skin and Swagg Party featuring DJ Bamboo and a special performance by Pretty Girl Chinah. Money giveaway contests for girls dance competition and for guys dressed all swagged up.
for more info call Philip (904)234-2412 or Mr. B at (904)713-5111
Flyer Design for Teen Skin and Swagg Party at Bamboo Lounge Jacksonville Florida