DJ Emir Santana 303-995-0875 Denver Colorado's Best Event DJ
I know, I know SMH it took me this long to put these
home coming dance pictures up on the website. What can I say as a Touring DJ it has been a super busy year for me. With things winding down after the New Year I've had a little bit of time to go back through my picture collections and start adding pictures to the
picture gallery section of
Peak To Peak High School Home Coming Dance Party w DJ Emir
While the majority of my DJ Gigs are from nightclubs and summer pool parties, as a matter of fact my friend Dangerous Dan once tweeted "DJ Emir does more Pool Parties than any other DJ I know" LOL, I do a fair share of Jr. High School, High School and College parties and dances as well. I tend to have tons of fun deejaying for many of these school and pol party style events as they tend to be more diverse allowing me to play more styles of music than I normally get to play at some of the nightclubs. It shows too in my deejaying and after these events I tend to loosen up a little at the clubs and have some fun throwing some crazier songs people normally don't expect.
DJ Emir Santana World Class Nightclub and Event DJ - New York - Denver Colorado - Puerto Rico |
The crazy part of School Dances is that most DJs tend to think that the kids won't know anything about "Old School" songs like Michael Jackson Thriller, Beat it and even some Kool and The Gang "Celebrate God Times" And ten there are the exact opposite that overkill oldschool DJs that try and turn High School dances into the corniest dances ever with songs like the chicken dance and a ton of songs that work for older crowds but not for the kids. Being the quick mixer that I am, also having traveled and having deejayed countless weddings and corporate events I have a pretty good understanding for what really makes people move. Watching the kids react to Celebrate good times by throwing their hands in the air and yelling "YEAHOO" during the chorus makes me wonder if they heard it from their parents or from their teachers.
When I first started deejaying for School parties back in the late 1990's I was throwing in old school funk songs like Cameo Word Up and Michael Jackson and Prince tracks mainly for the teachers, cause sometimes you gotta give them something from their era so they can forget for a moment that they are adults and just have some fun. I quickly realized however after a few events that the kids for whatever reason not only know these songs but love these songs too. So I began to throw a little dash in every now and then. That is to say it is the seasoning added to the dish and not the main dish itself. The bulk of the music I play for the kids is a mix of Top 40, Hip Hop and Electro House remixes of popular songs with a real focus on high tempo songs and mostly remixes of alternative songs so as not to lull down the mood when adding in variety and spice into the mix. With my quick mix style it's easy to have kids loving songs since they only hear the first chorus, One verse and one more chorus of the older songs before coming right back to today's hottest music making certain that the kids are never bored with any one song. Without nightclub experience, most DJs don't have what it takes to pull that off, nor are they up on the latest greatest new hits the kids want to hear. And the DJs that only do nightclubs don't have the versatility to make the best of a School dance, wedding or corporate event.

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Peak to Peak 2009 Homecoming Dance Pictures
The Peak to Peak Charter High School Home Coming Dance was bananas. many of the girls gave up trying to dance in their shoes (as pictured above) and went barefoot cause they were dancing way more than they probably expected to. Especially considering the DJ horror story that was relayed to me by one of the teachers of one of their previous Deejays. I was told the previous guy was into SKA music and basically played mostly SKA and Rock music all night. I was shocked and said I didn't even know anyone who still listened to SKA music in that capacity, considering it peaked it's popularity during my own High School days and even then it was mainly an underground music scene. Needless to say the kids were not very happy with that guy.
With me on the other hand the kids could not stop dancing, and they all came up to express their gratitude after the dance. I of course gave them love back in the form of mixtape CDs for being such a great crowd.
And those kids really were a great crowd, they danced straight through all the top 40 all the electro house, the old school, the hip hop and to my chagrin even the Dance Hall Reggae, the remixes and the Salsa and Meringue I sprinkled in here and there.
Peak to Peak High School Home-Coming Dance |
Prom Season is almost upon us again and soon High Schools all over Colorado will be picking out their DJs for their Proms and other dances. Hopefully they all have learned by now that there are better alternatives to the "Normal DJs" they occasionally hire for Prom. I personally know plenty of great DJs with awesome sound systems that dwarf what most mobile Djs normally bring with them and that also have nightclub experience and real mixing skills to turn a n otherwise
SUPER PROM PARTY! That said, if you are going to pay a
premium price for a
Prom DJ, you might as well
GET a PREMIUM DJ that always delivers!
DJ Emir Santana
Real DJs Do Real Things